Wednesday, October 27, 2010


        When people hear about someone who is gay, they think "omg that's disgusting" or, "its not christian like".
       And most kids feel the need to discriminate or harass the "out' kid. It happens in elementary, high school, college, quite frankly it happens everywhere, even between adults. The most common however, I think is in high school. because that's when kids are trying to find out who they are and what there place is in life. Its when we think we have to be in a certain clique or group to be popular and noticed, or worry about how skinny we are compared to other girls. And during these times that we are all going through, who wants to be recognized as the one who associated with the gay kid? In our minds, that kid is different and it scares us.          
        Most of us have never been taught to deal with defferentiality, or we're taught to just stay away from these weird unnatural people. So we commit hate crimes, and discriminate. And you cant be mad at the kids who do it, because unfortunately its the parents who teach their children to do so in most cases. To me its just like being racist. Growing up your mom or dad is racist, and you begin to think its ok to do the same. Its not.
       Its ridiculous and childish. you cant change a person, or their beliefs. So why continue to hate? Its not making a difference in that person, or rather, that community of people.
       And as far as the DADT thing goes, why does it matter whether a person is gay or not? They are fighting, or willing to fight for you to have a place to sleep every night. They are willing to give their lives for the same damn reason that everyone else is in the united states army. Hello? Can you be more ridiculous? Unconstitutional, I don't think so, Read the fourteenth amendment.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the honesty in your writing, Jes, and your voice is genuine and clear, but please choose language that is appropriate for an educated audience and an academic purpose. I know you are a good enough writer to express your strong feelings with better words!
